After a long break I recorded a new episode for my Mars Anomaly podcast


Welcome to Efrain Palermo's Martian Anomalies

A Study of Mars Images

Scientists are now taking notice of the dark streaks of Mars as something other than just dust streaks...that they may in fact be water related! I have worked on this theory since early 2000 (as well as others like Hoagland, etc), presenting images and valid theories along with the statistical and analytical work of my colleague, Jill England.

Though it is gratifying to see that mainstream scientists are just now embracing this concept and validating my hypothesis, the work that I and others have done has gone largely unnoticed by the media.)


Water Flows or Just Dry Dust??

In the course of my sifting through the thousands of Mars images, I frequently come across inexplicable 'stains' which NASA explains as dark dry dust as a result of dry landslides. Looking at these images I find it hard to see how dust can exit from the side of a mountain or crater from a very small point and fan out as it goes downhill. As well, I have come across images showing different shades of these stains from very black to light gray, which would indicate that one could be fresher or newer than the others. On July 20th, 2000, I posted my first query about the stains of Mars to my Cydonia egroup, as well as contacted other anomalists and Mr. Richard Hoagland. Since then I have been on an exciting odyssey to learn more about this enigma.

I am not a scientist or a geologist. I am a layman astronomer and an artist. I also understand that one can be fooled by optical illusions, with that in mind, I still find it hard to understand how dry dust can act just like water. Another factor to consider; if these are fine dust deposits then why doesn't the wind disperse the stain trails??

A landslide would most of the time start out fairly large and wind up smaller as it wound down hill. Most of the images I have found indicate a tiny starting point which continues fanning out as it goes downhill. How could dry dust act like this?

My theory is that these are veins of ice water mixed with an unknown black material which exits from a small fissure (like a spring) under pressure, melts and flows downhill until the source dries up or is blocked. I would also postulate that the black-dark colored material acts as an antifreeze, keeping the water liquid in the coldness of Mars, or it could be some other unknown black liquid.

The dust argument does not hold up when one sees the stains emanating from very steep slopes, which would not support a heavy build up of dust layers. This is very clear if you look at this 3D anaglyph image on the marsunearthed site.

Another scenario to investigate is the temperature differential between the black material and Mar's regular surface. Black materials absorb more infrared energy and therefore has a higher temperature than a lighter colored material. This may act as a warm base for life. The Mars Global Surveyor has instruments to measure temperatures so this theory can be easily checked out (i.e. THEMIS - Thermal Emission Spectrometer)

There is also the possibility that if this action is the result of a water based liquid then life may exist in or on these deposits. Algae or a type of fungus may exist in these areas and may also be the cause of the dark coloration.

All I am asking is that one looks at these images and makes up their own mind. It may well be that these are indeed some form of exotic Martian magic dust, but take a look for yourself at the collection of images and tell me what you think.

It is hoped that NASA takes a closer look at what may be proof positive of abundant water and/or life on Mars.

(Now that NASA has determined that water and life may have existed on Mars with the recent discovery of organic magnetite in a Mars meteorite, some attention is being focused with the online investigative community on the 'stains' that NASA has stated are just dust slides. Mr. Hoagland had published an initial analysis of the "stains" in July, 2000. So there already had been some question raised about NASA's claims by him and others.

I have been working on this line of investigation as a lay enthusiast and forwarding my findings to Mac Tonnies for his Cydonia Imperative web site. What has started out as a hobby and interest may be of some importance to possibly divert some public (and NASA) attention to these mysterious stains.

More work on these stains by independent investigators who come to the same conclusion may be enough one day to interest NASA into a further study of this anomaly. I would urge anyone interested, who has come to these same conclusions, to write NASA ask them to further their investigation of the stains of Mars.)

Efrain Palermo

Go to the next page for more images:

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Martian Anomaly

Buzz Aldrin puts Phobos monolith on the map

Methane on Mars and Seeps...a correlation?

The Rovers Spirit and Opportunity Image Anomalies. Click Here.

Image Highlight: Wooden Nickel Plateau

I attended the Richard Hoagland Seminar in New Mexico, Feb 21-23, '03 Click here for pics and data.

Efrain Palermo and Jill England were invited to present their martian seeps work to the National Space Society meeting, May 12th,2002, in Seattle at the Museum of Flight.

The talk to the National Space Society meeting was given and went well! A lot of questions were asked, and conclusions debated back and forth. But all agreed that more should be found out about the 'stains' of mars. Click here for new information that was presented at this presentation.

Efrain Palermo and Jill England presented their Seeps Research Paper.pdf at the 4th Annual Mars Society Convention at Stanford University on August 24th, 2001!



Web Site Directory


Mars Stain Map

Why are these flows clustered 180 degrees apart?......

Page 1 - ''Valley of the Stains (Flows) "

Page 1a - Flow Images

Page 1b - Image of converging flows

Page 2 - Flow Images

Page 2a - A Dried River Bed?

Page 2b - A Martian Lake Shasta???

Page 3 - Martian and Terran Landslides

Page 3a - Martian Gullies and Erosion

Page 4 - Stains (Flows)

Page 5 - Flow Images

Page 5a - Some Dark Flows

Page 5b - Some Really Dark Flows

Page 5c - Man Shaped Stain Valley

Page 6 - More Flows

Page 6a - White Flows

Page 7 - Birth of a Flow?

Page 8 - Flow Collage

Link to a MU Site Anaglyph with Stains_A

Anaglyph Stains Link _2

Page 9 - Dust or Water? - Theories and Arguments

Page 10 - Other Flows Index

Page 12 - Mars Flow Map Analysis

List of Almost 400 Stains/Flows MOC Images

SPSR scientist comments on the flows of Mars.

New Update: 5 Jan 2006- ESA Color Stain Image

Other Anomalies, Strange Geology or Illusions:

Page 11 - A Martian Monolith??

Page 12 - Miscellaneous Martian MOC Oddities

NEW! Palermo's Phobos Anomalies

Mars Exploration Rover Images


NASA Announces Flow Changes Over a Martian Year! This site has been working on this for some time and this validates our efforts.With the help of Jill England, we have proven that there are flow changes over time.

Discovery of overlapping images taken at different dates shows proof of present stain activity!! Click here to go to the Discovery page!


Mars Unearthed

The Mars Society

National Space Society

VGL & Palermo Phobos Monolith Site


Lowell's Legacy by Johnny Danger

Hoagland Talks about Palermo Stains Research audio Coast to Coast


This site was born December, 2000

Efrain Palermo's first science fiction novel 'Alien Cartel' is now available on Amazon!